Can we chat?

Dear paying subscribers,
You probably read Alan's news this morning that he's taking a new full-time job. I'll miss working with Alan and I (Tim) wish him the best in his new role.
In the last couple of hours, I initiated pro rata refunds to all of our annual subscribers. Stripe says it may take up to 10 days for the refunds to hit your bank accounts. If you haven't gotten your money by Friday, July 22, please let me know and I'll make it right.
But I wanted to be clear that I'm not going anywhere.
As Alan wrote, we didn't feel right continuing to charge folks who signed up expecting to get content from both of us. I also wanted to stop charging because I plan to tweak the format and subject matter of the newsletter in the coming weeks. I want to have a clear plan before I ask people to open their wallets again.
To that end, I have a favor to ask: to help me better understand the Full Stack Economics readership, I'd love to talk to some of you one-on-one.
If you have ideas on how to make the newsletter better, I'd love to discuss them.
If you want to tell me about where you live and what you do for a living, I will ask a lot of nosy questions about the economics of your community or industry.
If you want to chat about macroeconomics, self-driving cars, or any other topic I cover, I'm up for it.
If we're real-life friends or Internet acquaintances, I'd love to catch up.
I've opened up 24 meeting slots over the next three days. If you'd like to talk to me, you can click here to see when I'm free and sign up for a 30-minute call via Google Meet.
Thank you so much for financially supporting our project over the last year. I hope we can talk soon.