On the future of Full Stack Economics

Good morning Full Stack Economics readers!
I have some news to share. I (Alan) was recently approached with a great offer for a full-time job with The Conference Board, which I ultimately accepted. I’ll be doing research and outreach for their public policy wing, the Committee for Economic Development. I've enjoyed writing here, but the offer made sense financially, and it will allow me to write in depth on some subjects I enjoy without worrying about whether there's a paying mass market for them.
For those of you who would like to continue hearing from me, I'll make sure I can continue sharing my work with you, plus the occasional writing for fun. I’ll likely do this through a new email list you may opt into. But I'll have no need of sponsorship from readers; any updates I provide will be free.
Tim and I don’t feel comfortable continuing to charge paying customers who signed up expecting to get regular writing from both of us. So we’ve stopped charging monthly subscriptions and annual subscribers will get a pro-rated refund.
Tim expects to continue doing the newsletter; he’ll share more about his plans in the coming days.
I very much enjoyed this project. Thank you to all who supported us.